“LDZ ritošā sastāva serviss” Ltd., a subsidiary of SJSC “Latvijas dzelzceļš”, participated in conference “Rolling Stock Modernization – Purchases and Maintenance”, which took place in Wisla, Poland. At the conference, “LDZ ritošā sastāva serviss” Ltd. was represented by Sergejs Karpačovs, strategic advisor to the company’s board, together with Ana Zlotkovska, Director of UAB Izovoltas, the company’s official representative in Poland.
“The needs of and experience in the modernization, manufacture and maintenance of rolling stock and its components were key aspects at the largest forum that was dedicated specifically to rolling stock. By participating in this conference, we had the opportunity to not only meet and exchange opinions and experiences with leading experts in the industry, learn about current trends in the industry, but also to give our potential customers information about what, and in what quality, we can offer,” says Sergejs Karpačovs, strategic advisor to the board of “LDZ ritošā sastāva serviss” Ltd.
The 18th annual conference “Modernization of Rolling Stock – Purchases and Maintenance” was organized by the Polish Chamber of Railway Equipment Producers and Railway Service Providers, an organization that currently has 300 members. The Chamber of Railway Equipment Producers and Railway Service Providers has been organizing conferences, training courses, exhibitions and seminars since 1999.